Sunday 2 June 2013


May 3, 2013:

- The French Vanilla Marigold seeds have started growing
- 1 seed has sprouted and is poking out of the soil

- 3 seeds out of the total 24 that we planted did not grow, while the other 21 have showed signs of growth (we dug into the soil a little to check whether or not any growth did occur)
- We replanted 3 seeds to make up for the three lost, and noted that they were planted 1 week late.
- We did not water the seeds, the last time we watered them was April 30, 2013, the day they were planted.

May 6, 2013:

- The French Vanilla Marigolds are growing strongly, and they have developed short stems that are different colours depending on each individual flower
- Small leaves have developed around the tips of the stem, and some have already fallen off
- 1 flower in the single seed pot section appears to be dying
- The seeds that were planted 1 week late have grown very quickly and are almost as developed as the original ones.
- We watered all flowers

May 8, 2013:

- The flowers are looking healthy. The small and round original leaves have all fallen and new leaves have appeared
- The tallest and, based on its physical appearance, strongest French Vanilla Marigold plant stands 5 cm above the soil and has leaves 6 cm across on top
- The shortest French Vanilla Marigold, which was also one of the ones grown a week later stands 2.5 cm above the ground and has leaves 3 cm across on top
- It appears that the original French Vanilla Marigolds have started to grow more efficiently now and the week late ones are slowing down
- Our hypothesis is starting to seem incorrect based on our observations, but there is still a lot of time left
- We watered all flowers

May 10, 2013:

- We moved the flowers from the small rack lights to the larger and more powerful lights next to the window     (they can mimic the sun very well and much better than the other lights)
- The weekend is approaching and we watered all of our flowers. We did add some extra water to ensure they do not dry out because we are adding more heat to them
- They seem to have grown a lot, but not many major differences can be seen when we look at them
- 2 flowers seem to be curling and facing the real sun that is only a foot away from them (they are near the window)
- The ones grown late are making good, steady progress
- The leaves have sharp points and are quite large

May 13, 2013:

- The weekend just ended and all of our flowers are still living. None dried out
- The leaves are starting to bend and new sets of leaves appear to be developing out of the stem which is in the centre of all the other leaves. This will be the third set of leaves the flowers have grown
- The French Vanilla Marigolds grown in pairs are growing much more efficiently than the ones growing on their own. We are quite astonished and are considering many possibilities as to why this is happening. Same species sharing teamwork could be a reason.
- We researched and found out that the small and round original leaves on the growing flowers where actually energy stores which were quite important
- We watered all the flowers

May 16, 2013:

- The flowers that were grown a week after the originals are growing better than the originals themselves and look healthier
- The tallest French Vanilla Marigold stands 8.7 cm high
- The shortest French Vanilla Marigold stands 5.2 cm high
- We watered all flowers thoroughly today

May 17, 2013:

- The leaves at the bottom of the flowers near the stem are starting to fall off, but we believe this is supposed to happen because they are no longer needed.
- The flowers are all healthy and there is very little difference noticed in any of them. They are virtually the same
- The Long weekend is approaching and so we are watering with more than usual amounts of water to ensure that they do not dry out. This is because this is the most likely time for them to dry out, and that would ruin the experiment
- The flowers grown in pairs are still outgrowing the individual ones

May 22, 2013:

- The flowers look very healthy and are growing amazingly
- The stems of the flowers are either green or brown, and it is unclear as to why
- The weak flower that was in our experiment is picking up the pace now and has become very healthy looking. It seems to be making a comeback
- The Tallest French Vanilla Marigold stands 11.2 cm above the soil
- The shortest French Vanilla Marigold stands 7.4 cm above the soil
- We watered all flowers today

May 28, 2013:

- The French Vanilla Marigolds where not given enough water over the weekend and dried up very quickly.
- Their leaves turned a mix of purple and brown in colour and they shrunk in height and leaf span as well. They showed signs of stress and they were dying.
- Because of that, we gave the flowers an extra amount of water, to give them something to rebuild on as well as something to sustain their slow recovery.

May 31, 2013:

- The French Vanilla Marigolds are making a strong recovery and they look healthier. The purple and brown colours were starting to disappear and a new set of leaves was growing from the stem again.
- The flowers have grown slightly taller, but it is not enough for us to say it is a large difference.
- We watered all the plants again today.

June 3, 2013:

- The French Vanilla Marigolds are recovering and doing much better than last week.
- They are starting to regain their original green colour and they are starting to look brighter. They also look much healthier and strong, as if nothing ever happened to them.
- We watered all plants today as well.

June 6, 2013:
- The tallest French Vanilla Marigold plant is 17.2 cm high.
- The shortest French Vanilla Marigold plant is 15.4 cm high.
- Surprisingly, the flowers that were planted a week later than the originals are growing better and are actually taller than most of the other original flowers.
- The stalks of the flowers are starting to get thicker and much larger than before. They have also changed to a light brown and purple colour.
- We watered all the plants today.
June 7, 2013:
- Our flowers are looking very healthy. The week before they were stressed and about to die but they are making a comeback.
- The weekend is here and so we are going to water the flowers extra in order to ensure that they do not dry out at all during the weekend.
- The French Vanilla Marigolds are all starting to grow a lot more and it is being noticed. Some of the plants in the section made up of two plants per pot are competing a lot. 
June 11, 2013: 

- Our experiment is coming to a close soon, and we have seen major results.
- The tallest of the French Vanilla Marigold flowers is approximately 19 cm high.
- The smallest of the French Vanilla Marigold flowers is approximately 16 cm high.
- The French Vanilla Marigolds grew an average height of 17.5 cm high during the whole experiment.
- We still did water all of them today.
- The roots of the flowers in the pots containing two flowers have spread out a lot and are running out of space.
- The roots are sticking out of the soil right underneath the stem and they seem to be showing us that the flower is doing fine.

Final Results: Pot containing 2 flowers                                        Final Results: Pot containing 1 flower


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